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Anti-war Leaders Commend Efforts of Rep. Gaetz

Following the fight over the resolution to withdraw troops from Syria, a number of leading voices that have recently raised their voices at the Rage Against the War Machine rally, have come out in praise of what Rep. Matt Gaetz did. Libertarian National Chair and Rage Against the War Machine organizer, Angela McArdle, tweeted today: “171 Republicans & 150 Democrats voted to keep our troops in Syria w/out a declaration of war or any meaningful reason. I will absolutely be working with other 3rd parties to primary the shit out of the most vulnerable warhawks. #OperationWarhawkRemoval has officially commenced.”

Another Rage Against the War Machine speaker who came out praising Gaetz was Max Blumenthal. On Thursday he tweeted: “Americans who want to see an end to the US occupation and plunder of Syria owe Matt Gaetz and his partners in the Congressional Progressive Caucus a debt of gratitude for their effort. A similar coalition has driven Rage Against The War Machine and antiwar efforts across Europe.”