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Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Supported Gaetz Resolution

The Intercept reported on a surprise source of support for Rep. Matt Gaetz’s House Resolution to get U.S. troops out of Syria. Obama’s ambassador to Syria Robert Ford had sent a letter to Congress encouraging them to support the initiative, H.Con.Res.21. In the letter, Ford said: “After more than eight years of military operations in Syria there is no definition of what the ‘enduring’ defeat of ISIS would look like,” according to The Intercept. “We owe our soldiers serving there in harm’s way a serious debate about whether their mission is, in fact, achievable,” Ford wrote. ( )

Ford had much more to say about the situation in Syria, much of which was merely paraphrased in The Intercept article. He pointed out the failure of the policy to ensure peace, and discussed how the reasons to stay, such as supporting the Kurds, are not actually working or guaranteeing a long-term solution. According to The Intercept, “Ford argued that U.S. withdrawal would facilitate the kind of negotiations needed to bring a measure of stability to the region,” which would include giving a nudge to the Kurds to seriously negotiate with Assad.

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