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Rep. Gaetz: Forcing a Vote To Get Out of Syria

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was on the Charlie Kirk show on Feb. 27 and made some pointed remarks about the war party in the United States, and the situation in Syria in particular:

“Joe Biden needs this thing [Ukraine war] to end because it’s going to be around his neck. And he’s going to have to constantly explain to Americans why their problems get subjugated, and the priorities of Ukraine are enhanced.

“And… what? We’re sending more now to Yemen? We’re still in Obama’s Syrian war? We just saw an American injured in Syria. What are we doing in the Syrian civil war? Someone explain to me what we’re trying to win there. So even though I’m in the minority, I think I’m going to do everything I can to try and force votes. And let’s force these Democrats and Republicans.

“By the way, the previously anti-war Democrats, now totally part of the war machine—let’s have everyone take a vote whether we should have troops in Syria, or whether or not we should have people that are a part of the supply chain for the Abrams and the HIMARS and the like. And how many days, Charlie, until the F-16s are going? It seems like there’s a constant pattern here. First Biden says: if we send the Stinger missiles and the HIMARS, it’s going to be World War III. Then we do it. Then we say we’re not going to do the M1 Abrams, then we do it.” ( )

On Feb. 21 Gaetz introduced H.Con.Res.20, a privileged resolution into the House, calling for the total withdrawal of American troops from Syria, which would be a much-needed and long-overdue change. A vote is required by mid-March. ( )