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U.S., UK, Australia Heads of State Meet March 13 in San Diego on ‘AUKUS Partnership’—Pacific NATO Against China, Russia

In the Pacific city of San Diego, California, on March 13, a meeting is set for President Biden, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, on the topic of the AUKUS Partnership, the security pact among the U.S., Australia, and the UK. The White House has released very few details. Albanese will be coming to the U.S. directly from his meeting in India. There is speculation that among the results of the meeting might be for Australia to be supported to start building nuclear submarines.

There are some wild-eyed Dr. Strangelove-type squawks coming from various quarters, including from ranking U.S. military, about potential military encounters in the Pacific in the near and distant future.

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