On April 8, an estimated 3,000 peaceful marchers in Berlin called for peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, an end to sanctions, and stopping arms shipments to Ukraine. The organizer of the Berlin march was Netzwerk Friedenskooperative (Peace Cooperation Network), and demonstrations were also held in over 120 cities and towns across the country.
Easter marches, parades and walks are a common tradition in Germany, but this time they were distinctly different.
Sputnik reported, “In the announcement of the Berlin march, the organizers urged against sending weapons to Ukraine, deployment of nuclear weapons at the Ramstein air base [in Germany], and opposed Russian sanctions, which, as organizers pointed out, backfired on Germany. They also urged the German authorities to facilitate peace talks between Moscow and Kiev, as well as to create Europe’s security architecture ‘from Lisbon to Vladivostok.’” [https://sputnikglobe.com/20230408/thousands-join-easter-march-in-berlin-against-arms-supplies-to-ukraine-1109273775.html ]