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Florida Republican Matt Gaetz is succeeding in forcing members of Congress to go on record as to whether they support the permanent warfare policy of the “unipolar uniparty.” Yesterday, the House defeated a privileged resolution sponsored by Gaetz that would have required President Joe Biden to pull US troops out of Somalia. The vote was 102-321. Gaetz argued that the several hundred troops in Somalia are not vital to protecting Americans and the U.S. couldn’t “beat an ideology” out of foreign groups, reported The Hill. “I fear China. I fear some crazy Russian general with nuclear codes far more than I fear Somali warlords,” he said on the House floor. “I guess it’s easy to stand up and say we should be the police force everywhere, because anywhere some bad person could harbor the desire to kill us.”

Opponents of the Somalia resolution argued that the U.S. presence in countries like Somalia protects global security. Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) claimed that the military has stopped attacks on Americans and prevented international destabilization, calling it a “Herculean” effort. “Because we have forces all around the world, we have been a safer place,” McCormick said. “We have saved American lives. … I want to make sure that we’re clear that this is not about seeking war.”

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