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Nuland Speaks About Plans to Use Seized Russian Assets To Rebuild Ukraine

At the U.S.-Ukraine Partnership Forum event in Washington, D.C. on April 13, infamous witch and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said that Russia must “pay for all that it has broken.” After Ukraine wins the war, she said, the U.S. will help rebuild Ukraine: “We will also help rebuild Ukraine’s energy infrastructure so it comes back greener and more resilient. We will help strengthen Ukraine’s government institutions, to ensure they provide dignity and opportunity for all Ukraine’s citizens, and they are better hardened against corruption. And we will help rebuild Ukraine’s cities and towns and villages.” She called for “the complete modernization and revitalization of Ukraine.”

Nuland said the World Bank has estimated that it will take at least $411 billion over the next decade to rebuild Ukraine, a sum which she wants Russia to pay for. The “first tranche” for this has been approved in the form of $5.4 million in seized assets from a Russian oligarch, and there are “more announcements to come.” But the larger focus is clearly the frozen Russian central bank assets, of which Nuland said “discussions are ongoing about the estimated $300 billion of Russian central bank assets.”

Nuland’s statements, far from striking fear in those who are deemed “adversaries” of the U.S., will only further accelerate moves away from the U.S. and dollar system—a system which is increasingly seen as weaponized and hostile—and encourage the formation of a new economic architecture.