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Sellout of Germany to Green Reset Cabal Attacked in Bundestag Speech

A new Morgenthau Plan against Germany by Wall Street and The City of London was exposed in a Bundestag speech by senior politician Beatrix von Storch of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, who delivered a scathing attack on April 27 regarding the big financial interests behind the German Greens. For the first time outside the LaRouche movement, this was an attack on the global string pullers behind the Greens.

Non-parliamentary institutions like Agora Energy Change (AE) and the Ecology Institute that write blueprints for the Green-led Economic Ministry, are part of non-German foundations which are on the leash of international billionaires, von Storch said.

A “nested system of foundations” is active here: “AE is financed by the European Climate Foundation, which is financed by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation; and that is financed by the British billionaire Christopher Hohn. He makes €2 million per day and is the main financier of the Climate Extinction rebellion extremists. So he spends his money for the climate agenda, but [what’s] really interesting is the question: How does he make his money?”

She quotes from the self-description of the fund: Hohn’s fund concentrates on mortgages and high price real estate with a focus on major cities in North America and Europe, “so, in those places the financier of the climate agenda earns his money with mortgages and real estate. That is the core of the matter,” von Storch charged, elaborating that this is relevant for the Greens’ plan to force millions of German homeowners to replace their heating systems based on oil and gas by new ones based on heat pumps—which most of them will not be able to afford. “Homeowners have to take up mortgages on their houses to pay for the expensive heat pump and if they cannot do that, they have to sell their houses. And lo and behold, there are the hedge funds of Mr. Hohn, ready to buy their real estate. What a coincidence!”

“Some say, Mr. Hohn is not the only one behind Agora,” von Storch added. “Yes, that’s true, there is also the Mercator Stiftung and the Metro-billionaires and through the European Climate Fund, there are also money flows by the Canadian billionaire John McBain. He is, like Mr. Hohn, a member of the billionaires Club The Giving Pledge of Bill Gates. As soon as you etch the Green coating—billionaires, billionaires, billionaires....”

But there is more to it, von Storch charged. “Real estate is one side of the coin. The other is the business with the heat pumps. The U.S. concern Carrier Global buys the German WP producer Viessmann for $12 billion. Who owns Carrier Global? 86% of it is owned by institutional investors. That means the U.S. financial industry, BlackRock, Vanguard, American Star, and the Capital Group. At the same time that Habeck’s [Economics] ministry is forcing Germans to buy heat pumps, the global financial industry takes over the German heat pump production—an incredible coincidence.”

“Thanks to the Green climate policy there is a policy goldrush mood in these circles,” von Storch said. “€75 trillion, that’s what Germans have to pay for heat pump installation, and BlackRock, Vanguard and the Capital make money like crazy.”

The Greens are, therefore, the “political arm of these global financial interests, and their climate policies make the global super-rich much richer, while normal Germans are losing the roof over their heads,” von Storch charged. “Your climate policy is nothing other than the ultimate attack on the whole German national wealth, and I can assure you that we will not permit you to succeed,” she concluded, announcing resistance against this policy. (