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Seymour Hersh Dismantles CIA Cover Story on Who Bombed Nord Stream Pipelines

Seymour Hersh, who wrote the breakthrough investigation on Feb. 8, “How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline,” responded today to the mythical CIA story to cover up and counteract Hersh’s original story, in his latest article, “The Nord Stream Ghost Ship,” with the kicker “The false details in the CIA’s cover story.” (

In his investigation, Hersh attributes the Sept. 26, 2022 explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines to a decision by President Joseph Biden, his foreign policy team of Tony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Victoria Nuland, and a CIA working team, who employed divers from the U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center In Panama City, Florida.

The cover-up story was run on March 7 by the New York Times and German publications, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel. In their version, which Hersh says was invented as a CIA cover story at the time the original bombing was planned in mid-2022, a ghost sailboat, the yacht Andromeda, was chartered by six people, including two Ukrainians, with supposedly no ties to Zelenskyy—who conveniently left two fraudulent Ukrainian passports on a table on the yacht to be found later. They were also apparently assisted by a second vessel.

Hersh then consulted an expert who poked holes the dimension of the Himalaya mountains into the yacht story.

The expert stated it would not be believable to have the pipelines destroyed by a bomb dropped from an airplane, so why not invent the use of a sailboat? The expert said, “ ‘Any serious student of the event would know that you cannot anchor a sailboat in waters that are 260 feet deep’—the depth at which the four pipelines were destroyed—‘but the story was not aimed at him but at the press who would not know a parody when presented with one.’ ”

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