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Australian MPs and Prime Minister Try To Pressure Biden To Free Assange

A group of Australian MPs from both parties met with U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy May 9 to ask that the U.S. Justice Department “espionage” charges be dropped against Australian citizen Julian Assange. According to one of them, Sen. Andrew Wilkie, “This is an intensely important time with the U.S. President about to visit [May 22]. It would be very unhelpful if he comes to Australia and this issue is still unresolved. The U.S. and Australia have a very important and close relationship, and it’s time to demonstrate that.”

The meeting was reported by Editor in Chief Joe Lauria in Consortium News May 9. Lauria reported that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese had told Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) he had had direct contact with “the U.S. Justice Department” about Australian citizen Assange. “The U.S. administration is certainly very aware of what the Australian government’s position is,” Albanese told the ABC. He did not confirm, due to “diplomacy,” that he would raise Assange’s freedom directly with Biden during the presidential visit, but that is expected.

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