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CGTN TV’s The Point Interviews Zepp-LaRouche on Europe-China Relations, 10 Years of BRI

CGTN television’s program, The Point hosted by Liu Xin, in Beijing, interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Ms. Liu launches the interview with a very provocative introduction: “Decoupling from China is self-destructive, so says Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and chairperson of the German think-tank, the Schiller Institute. She calls the idea a geopolitical plot, which amounts to economic suicide for Germany, with the European Union and the world suffering the consequences.

“If decoupling from China will lead to further damage, what are her thoughts from the so-called alternative ‘de-risking’ with China? And as the ‘Silk Road Lady,’ how does she rate the BRI ten years on? Has it proven to be the new World Land-Bridge like the ancient one?”

The full transcript is below, and the video can be accessed at