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CODEPINK Confronts Blinken: Jailing Assange and Preaching Press Freedom

CODEPINK demonstrators called out Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as he attempted to celebrate, at a Washington Post self-congratulatory event for the freedom of the press in the West. During the event, members of the feminist grassroots organization CODEPINK, interrupted Blinken as he talked about press freedom:

“Excuse us, we can’t use this day without calling for the freedom of Julian Assange. It’s completely hypocritical for Secretary Blinken to discuss ‘press freedom’ while our government seeks no justice for American journalists killed by our allies and seeks to punish truth-tellers like Julian Assange.”

Earlier, in March, CODEPINK skewered Blinken, where they focused upon the danger of nuclear war, the necessity or negotiation, and the lack of any diplomatic actions by the country’s top diplomat: