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Qin Gang Meets with U.S. Ambassador Burns, Says U.S. Has To Do Better

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns on May 7, which may indicate a move toward reestablishing discussions between the two sides. At the same time Qin Gang made it very clear that this would not lead to any positive results while the U.S. continues its policy of trying to contain China, while at the same time claiming that they want to begin talks with China.

In his readout on the meeting, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin had a lot to say: “State Councilor Qin Gang said that the U.S. needs to form a correct perception of China, return to rationality, and get the basis right for China-U.S. relations, just like putting the first button on a shirt right. This is how both sides can benefit from one another’s success. The U.S. cannot talk about the need for communication on the one hand and yet keep suppressing and containing China on the other. The U.S. cannot say one thing but do the opposite, and needs to respect China’s red lines. The U.S. needs to stop undermining China’s sovereignty, security and development interests, correctly handle the Taiwan question in particular, stop hollowing out the one-China principle, and stop supporting or conniving with the `Taiwan independence’ separatist forces. The U.S. needs to handle unexpected and isolated incidents in bilateral relations in a calm, professional and pragmatic manner to avoid dealing more blows to China-U.S. relations. The U.S. needs to seek dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefit and reciprocity. We hope that Ambassador Burns will be able to see, listen, interact and think more here in China, and serve as a bridge between China and the U.S.” 9

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