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Germany’s Industrial Mittelstand Is Increasingly Emigrating

The German economy is at a crossroads mostly created by greenie policies. The latest economic figures are alarming: one in six companies is thinking about leaving Germany, the Federation of German Industries (BDI) reports on a survey it conducted among 400 medium-sized industrial companies (Mittelstand). This is clear evidence of the deindustrialization process which German industry is being driven into by greenie regulations banning classical production because it is allegedly “too dirty,” rising prices of fossil energies, and the like.

Of the 400 businesses polled by the BDI, 16% are already in the process of relocating parts of production and jobs abroad. Another 30% are specifically thinking about it. Companies complain about the severe shortage of skilled workers, particularly engineers, about inadequate infrastructure and excessively high energy prices. The green policies are so absurd that they are even preventing 45% of companies from investing into the planned transformation to green technologies!