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Putin to Education Ministers: Man’s Quest for the Unknown Is The Driving Force of Progress

In a video address to the First International Forum of Education Ministers of 31 countries of Africa, Asia and Ibero-America, which met in Tatarstan on June 8, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated: “Man, his knowledge, outlook and craving for the unknown are becoming—have already become—the main driving force of development in the 21st century. Therefore, it is important to ensure equal opportunities for people…”

After that Vernadsky-like comment, Putin said: “Let me emphasize that Russia is open to the widest possible cooperation in the field of education. We are ready to share our experience in implementing the best practices, including programs for children with disabilities.… Russia is ready to generously share the national achievements in teaching, which underpin Russia’s scientific and technological development. Such a vibrant and honest exchange of ideas and unusual approaches are very important. At the same time, we deem this totally unacceptable when foreign rules and patterns are imposed, often rudely and unceremoniously, on sovereign states, including in the sphere of education or mentoring.

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