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LaRouche activists report an increased alertness on the part of supporters and new contacts alike, to the necessity to be able to conceptualize what action to take, to stop NATO’s drive against Russia from becoming a new world war. There are other signs as well, of rising awareness of and opposition to that threat among the American population.

The amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) sponsored by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene which got nearly 150 votes on July 13, had been picked out for a vote from among three anti-cluster bomb amendments, and targeted by the Republican House leadership, as one which was aiming not simply to block cluster bombs from being sent to Ukraine, but to stop further U.S. military and financial aid to Ukraine overall—in other words, a vote against President Biden and his war policy. This, the leadership thought, would gain almost no Democratic and but few Republican votes; instead, it got 49 Democratic and 98 Republican votes.

Similarly, former Vice President Mike Pence’s appearance with Tucker Carlson before a live audience at the Family Leadership Council’s event in Iowa July 14, on foreign policy, was clearly as distasteful to Pence as anything he could think of doing in his Presidential campaign. Carlson did not “question,” but debated Pence, challenging his war-hawk policy against Russia. Pence very obviously dislikes Carlson and wished he did not have to take part in this. That he did so (as did two other GOP Presidential candidates with lesser national “credentials” than Pence), was testimony that Carlson’s large, and largely anti-NATO, slice of the anti-Biden public is growing and getting more restive.