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GOP Congressman Wants Financial Accountability for Ukraine War

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) has proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that requires a clear definition and assessment of the Biden administration’s war strategy, including a “diplomatic pathway…by which the United States can facilitate a negotiated cessation of hostilities in Ukraine.” The proposed amendment also requires appropriate Congressional committees to provide a briefing on “the United States strategy with respect to Ukraine and the plans for the implementation of such strategy.”

The expectation is that by the Fall, Congress is somehow going to have to approve more military assistance for Ukraine. Since February of 2022, the U.S. has spent $40 billion in military assistance. Davidson’s amendment also calls for an assessment of what the continued conflict would cost, projected one, five and 10 years into the future. And, unless this unclassified report is delivered to Congress within 90 days of the amendment’s passage, and lawmakers are briefed, no funds will be forthcoming. On two earlier occasions, in May of 2022 and December of that year, Davidson voted against major aid packages for Ukraine.

It’s notable that Davidson’s amendment has backing not only from such conservative groups as the Concerned Veterans for America but also from progressive groups like Peace Action and the Friends Committee for National Legislation, which are attracted to the call for a diplomatic solution or at least the demand to have an honest debate on how the war can end.

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