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Preview of July 28 EIR: ‘We Need Millions to March for Peace August 6’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 29 goes to subscribers Thursday, July 27. The cover photo is of the Schiller Institute’s team and banner at the July 22 peace rally at the Scranton Army Munitions Plant.

This week’s featured reprint by Lyndon LaRouche is from 1999. It is titled “The Washington Post ‘Death Beam’ Hoax. LaRouche sets the record straight, going back to the proposal of H.G. Wells that nuclear weapons should be developed and used as weapons so awful, that nations would give up their sovereignties to world government, rather than risk future general wars:

“From that time on, Bertrand Russell became the leading spokesman for Wells policy of world government through terror of nuclear weapons…. That became the doctrine of the U.S. government, as pushed by the Pugwash Conference organization, and by John J. McCloy, McGeorge Bundy, Henry A. Kissinger, et al.”

LaRouche then describes the real background to the Strategic Defense Initiative, discussing the work of the FEF, “developed as a byproduct of my general specialization in the matter of Riemannian manifolds for purposes of long-range studies in technological attrition, and my rejection of the mechanistic delusion, that so-called ‘Coulomb Forces’ operate as law within the range of the sub-atomic and nuclear ‘infinitesimally small.’”

In Section I, Actions for Peace, are four items:

A press release from Humanity for Peace, advertising its upcoming Aug. 6 International Demonstration at United Nations Plaza in New York City, followed that evening by a concert that evening by the Schiller Institute NYC chorus and friends featuring Mozart’s Requiem.

An Open Letter from Steve Leeper from Hiroshima, “To Friends, Enemies, and People Who Have No Idea Who I Am,” urging mass participation in the Aug. 6 peace rally.

A report on the International Peace Coalition’s 7th weekly meeting.

“JFK’s Road from the ‘Peace Speech’ to the Limited Test Ban Treaty,” an historical article from Carl Osgood.

In Section II, EIR continues its coverage of the Schiller Institute’s July 8-9 conference in Strasbourg, France, with presentations from Panel 4:

“The Blossoming of a New Paradigm,” an introduction by Kevin Gribbroek

“What Would Erasmus Say About Peace In Ukraine?” by Prof. Luc Reychler

“Culture Is the Key for Peace,” by Maurizio Abbate

“On Demonization of Russian Culture,” by Tatjana Zdanoka

“World Peace, Based on Common Ethics and Values,” by Liz Augustat

Section III, International, has two major reports:

“The Nations of the Global South Assert their Independence at the EU-CELAC and G20 Summits.”

* “Russia Sends Free Grain to African Countries in Need; UN/West Cuts Food Aid.”

A Science & Technology Briefs column closes the Section.