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Schiller Institute on Lebanese TV on Breakdown of Black Sea Grain Deal

July 18, 2023 (EIRNS) Stockholm — Al Mayadeen TV, Lebanon, yesterday interviewed Ulf Sandmark, Chairman, Schiller Institute in Sweden, to comment on the breakdown of the Black Sea Grain deal. Sandmark said that it is proof that the Global South has to intervene in European affairs to promote peace in Ukraine. The sabotage of the deal, he said, has been directed against the grain of Russia, which is the biggest exporter in the world; Ukraine is number five. Questioned on the statement by Josep Borrel that the Kremlin “is using the people´s hunger as a weapon,” Sandmark said that the EU is being hypocritical as they block the Russian grain that feeds the world even more.

Warning that we are on the verge of nuclear war, Sandmark said that all nations in the world should intervene and call for a new architecture for security and development for all nations. “A fully functioning grain deal must be protected to feed the world, as it is a cornerstone of a future peace between Russia and Ukraine.”