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U.S. Military Recruitment Problems Reflect Social Breakdown

The inability of the U.S. military to meet recruiting numbers, and also its experience of having problems with soldiers in active duty, are reflections of the worsening social breakdown in the nation, inclusive of which, is demoralization from the Global NATO policy of perpetual wars.

According to media accounts, the Army missed its target for recruits in 2022 by 15,000, and is on track this year to be 20,000 short of its recruitment goal. The Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps are having similar problems, though their service numbers are smaller. Only the new Space Force is meeting its recruiting goals, because it requires only a few hundred recruits a year, and carries the promise of space excitement.

The Army undershooting its recruiting goal by 25% last year, has already resulted in a cut in the active-duty size of the U.S. Army from 476,000 in 2022 down to 466,000 this year. This is part of the back-drop to President Biden authorizing use of up to 3,000 more of the U.S. reserves, for sending to Europe.

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