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Will Biden Corruption Accusations Result in Impeachment Inquiry?

Faced with a cascade of new revelations about the corrupt actions by both Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, the response from the Democratic Party establishment and its supporters in the media has been to either ignore the story entirely, or to discount the allegations as politically motivated. But as the truth comes out, will anything short of an impeachment inquiry be able to piece together the full picture?

On July 27, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) published a lightly redacted copy of the FD-1023 FBI report on a source who detailed the bribery and corruption of the Bidens. One of the most significant incidents was the firing of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2016. At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma—on whose board sat Hunter Biden, drawing at least $50,000 a month for providing the valuable service of being the vice-president’s son. Then- Vice-President Joe Biden bragged at the Council of Foreign Relations that he had threatened to hold back $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if Shokin were not removed. “And, son of a bitch, they fired him,” he gloated. (

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