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Meloni Will Detail Her Mattei Plan for Africa at Italy-Africa Summit in October

As the Italy-Africa summit approaches in October, the Mattei Plan for Africa, for cooperation on energy and curbing migration flows, is being developed by the Italian government of Giorgia Meloni in consultation with ENI and African governments. In the spring, she began official visits to Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia, and is also interested in visiting Angola, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Burundi, Mauritania, Niger (Niger at least as of last spring), and probably others.

She says she will make Italy “an energy hub for Europe” (she is especially interested in natural gas) through cooperation with African partners. An MP of the Fratelli d’Italia, Marco Osnato, says the plan will be “giving back to Africa its dignity” through the development of its resources. (ENI has recently broken some promises in Africa, however, the English-language press is quick to point out.)

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