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Remarks by Donald Ramotar, Former President of Guyana, to the UN ‘Humanity for Peace’ Rally

Dear Friends, I send you best greetings and solidarity on your heroic efforts to bring peace to our world and to prevent any further deterioration to the grave situation existing in the Russian/Ukraine conflict.

It is quite possible that this situation can escalate into a nuclear conflagration.

This is why your action today is of immense importance It is a fundamental democratic issue. We, the vast majority of people in the world, are opposed to war. We deplore the loss of young lives that are being wasted so wantonly.

The reason this is continuing is because a very tiny minority of persons, people who profit from wars and those who have illusions of total world domination, are determined to silence all opposition to their plans to rule the world.

Let me be quite clear. A lasting peace is not possible to be built on the insecurity of another country. Russia and the Russian people have the right to security. Trying to destroy Russia and to Balkanize the country is a recipe for global disaster.

It is also really immoral for NATO to conduct a proxy war against Russia at the expense of hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian lives. We must demand an end to this carnage now.

We must demand that all nuclear weapons be destroyed. Nuclear disarmament is the first essential step to total disarmament. The great scientist, Albert Einstein once said that we cannot prepare for war and hope to have peace.

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