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South African President Ramaphosa Thanks Russian President Putin for a Russia-Africa Summit in Which Real Ideas Are Discussed

At the close of the Russia-Africa Summit held in Saint Petersburg, July 27-28, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, flanked by his top ministers, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and many of his top ministers, including Foreign Minister Lavrov, met in an open meeting that was televised. Ramaphosa’s closing remarks indicate the depth of discussion at this conference, the deep commitment, and the worked-out perspective to eliminate colonialism and replace it with growth. This is something that the zombified smug West, which criticized the conference, simply can’t conceptualize and appreciate.

Ramaphosa said to Putin, “Thank you for hosting the conference. We believe it was successful, most successful. The outcome was very, very good, the Declaration was well negotiated and well crafted. It represented the views that various countries that were here represented and your views represented…. [see accompanying slug]

“What is particularly pleasing is that Russia conducts its relationship with Africa at a strategic level, and that it conducts it with respect for the sovereignty of Africa.”

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