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Sputnik Publishes Seven Articles Based on Diane Sare Interview!

Sputnik has published a raft of articles from an interview conducted in New York with LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senate Diane Sare. One of the main articles yesterday on the interview is quite thorough regarding strategic issues, quoting Sare on many of these issues. Its lead has Sare saying that Americans in their majority no longer support the U.S. backing Ukraine for war with Russia ("Support for Ending Ukraine Aid Growing in U.S. Congress, Society").

“I have to tell you, it is shifting,” Sare said. “‘I believe the support for ending this funding actually is growing and I would say in the American people, it’s the overwhelming majority.’” Sare is quoted on the Senate, in effect, passing the “inspector-general for Ukraine aid” resolution, the growth in opposition since Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s initial bill.

Sputnik in that context reports the CNN national poll reported on Aug. 5 and conducted throughout July, which showed that 55% of Americans polled do not want Congress to authorize any more funding for the Ukraine war.

“‘This war of Ukraine, the arming of Ukraine—it’s the most corrupt regime, maybe in the world. The weapons are turning up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels,’ she said. ‘We have a horrible crisis on our border, partly because we’re supporting drug cartels all over the world. I think these are of a piece and if we could stop the funding of Ukraine, that would be a major step toward cleaning up a lot of corruption in our foreign policy.”

“This war of Ukraine, the arming of Ukraine it’s the most corrupt regime, maybe in the world. The weapons are turning up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels,” she said. “’We have a horrible crisis on our border, partly because we’re supporting drug cartels all over the world. I think these are of a piece and if we could stop the funding of Ukraine, that would be a major step toward cleaning up a lot of corruption in our foreign policy.’

“Believing that Ukraine is going to win the war against Russia is a ‘fiction’, and the U.S. should stop ‘living in a fantasy,’ she stated.”

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