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Trump OpEd: Reckless "Russiagate" Operation Created War, Threatens WWIII

Newsweek actually allowed Presidential candidate Donald Trump to have an op ed, and Trump connected the “deep state” forces behind Russiagate to the present war, the threat of World War III, and the present effort to destroy him and electoral politics. Here are some core excerpts:

“The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other…. [A]n unelected cabal in the senior ranks of our government, in concert with their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their allies in the media, launched the de-facto coup attempt known as the Russia Hoax…. For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.

“These Deep State plotters spied on my campaign. They forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants and smear innocent people through leaks to the media. They offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign [British] spy to try to frame me with treason…. The Durham Report proves that the key figures involved knew from the start that the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory was a lie.

“Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in on it, too. They were briefed in August 2016 on reports that Clinton planned to ‘vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Services.’ They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell….

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