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In UN Security Council Ukraine Debate, Lavrov Cites Deepening Crisis in International Relations

In line with the UN bureaucracy’s support for the coup-installed neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine, President Zelenskyy was given the privilege of a lead speech today at the UNSC’s debate on the conflict in Ukraine. In addition to Zelenskyy’s sloganeering—of Ukraine an innocent victim of aggression—Zelenskyy called for the UN General Assembly to remove the veto power of the Russian Federation at the UNSC!

The rapidly building demands by the Global South for appropriate representation on the UNSC—denied for decades—has now gained new force with the BRICS rapid expansion with six new members. So, the Anglo-American script now handed to Zelenskyy sounds with alarm that the veto power itself at the UNSC must be removed! This would allow a projected expanded UNSC to rule—with a NATO-dictated majority—with no veto power for Russia or for China. In the debate, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken presented an evidence-free series of allegations against Russian activity in Ukraine.

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