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Sept. 29 EIR: ‘Voices Tuned for Peace at the UN and G77’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 38 goes to subscribers Thursday, Sept. 28. The cover photo is of Humanity for Peace’s “Special Musical Operation” celebrating International Peace Day at the UN’s Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza in New York City, Sept. 21, 2023.

The Editorial: “Is This What Is Meant by Free and Fair Elections?”

This week’s feature from Lyndon LaRouche is “To Save Civilization, Place Your Voice!” This is newly edited excerpts from an until-now limited-circulation presentation to his colleagues in 2015 when he was 93, in which he motivated the “Manhattan Project”—moving the center of his organization’s organizing to Manhattan, “the real capital of the United States, as intended by the founders of the nation.” He insisted that the proper placing of the voice in political organizing and in the production of beautiful music was identical, and must constitute the core of that project:

“We’re at the point that the whole United States system in its present form, is ready to disintegrate. And the only way you’re going to prevent it, and reverse the degeneration, is by learning to place your voice properly….

“Anyone who has a beautiful voice, has it essentially because of placement. That’s what makes the meaning of “human” pleasant…. It’s the placement of the sound, but the sound itself…. It’s not the sound as such that’s created; it’s the human being, the tuning of the mind, not the tuning of the voice…. You have to tune yourself to mankind, to humanity….

“We are making a revolution centered on Manhattan right now. That’s what the basis of our organization’s existence is as of now: to effect that kind of reform. That’s the idea. It’s by ending the noise that you hear the music. And on that question, I am fully committed.”

In Section I, “Mobilization for Peace,” are these four elements:

• Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Open Letter to Heads of State at the United Nations General Assembly: You Must Act To Preserve World Peace!”

• “A ‘Special Musical Operation,’” by Stewart Battle, covering Humanity for Peace’s intervention on International Peace Day at the UN’s Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza in New York City, Sept. 21, 2023

• Excerpts from her dialogue with callers from the Live Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Sept. 20, titled “Join Our Chorus on International Peace Day!”

• A new Schiller Institute petition being circulated internationally among leading musical, artistic, and scientific circles: “Schiller’s Poem ‘The Artists’ Shall Be the Standard for Overturning the Cultural Breakdown that Obstructs Peace and Drives Mankind to Global Nuclear War”

• “To Save Civilization, Place Your Voice!” by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

In Section II, “Economics,” are these three articles:

• “Fighting the Malthusian ‘Green New Deal’? The BRICS Has Defeated It,” by Paul Gallagher

• “The Need for Power, and the Cold Truth about Global Warming,” an edited transcript of Prof. Franco Battaglia’s presentation to the Sept. 9 Schiller Institute conference.

• “A Physical-Economic Argument: The India-Middle East-Corridor is a Fraud,” by Hussein Askary

In Section III, “International,” we have:

• “Elon Musk, Big Tech, and NATO’S Proxy War in Ukraine,” by Harley Schlanger

• An interview with Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, which we have titled “The BRICS’ World Development, or Global War,” conducted by Mike Billington

• “The Centrality of Science to Development and Sovereignty: The G77 Havana Summit,” by Cynthia R. Rush