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Sept. 8 EIR: ‘BRICS Challenges Global North to Drop Green Death’

Sep. 5, 2023 (EIRNS)—EIR Vol. 50, No. 35 goes to subscribers Thursday, Sep. 7. The cover photo is of the leaders of the 5 BRICS nations meeting in their 15th Summit, Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Editorial, “Kicking the Axioms of the ‘Anglosphere,’” is provided by Dennis Speed.

This week’s featured reprint from Lyndon LaRouche is from Part 2 of his Introduction to the Spanish-language book, Ibero-American Integration: 100 Million New Jobs by the Year 2000, released in September 1986.

The book provides the history of the struggle for Ibero-American integration, the problem of the debt, the great infrastructure projects to be undertaken, and the monetary policy of the proposed “Common Market.” Mr. LaRouche concludes his Introduction this way:

“In the course of history, nations and cultures which have, like ancient Rome, preferred hedonistic entertainments, have facilitated their own destruction, by fostering a lowering of the moral sensibilities of their own populations.... Truth, beauty, and love, set in the context of the fostering of technological progress, is the distinction of a good and durable form of society. As to the monetary measures of reorganization needed to facilitate the implementation of such economic programs, I have outlined these adequately in my 1982 Operation Juárez.”

In Section I, “New Economic Order,” is:

• “China and Iran Reach Important ‘Oil for Construction’ Deal,” by Hussein Askary

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