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U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken spent the first part of his speech before the special UN Security Council meeting today, that was called to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, justifying Israel’s horrific genocide against the Palestinian people, done in the name of its right and obligation to “self-defense” against terrorism. He described Hamas’ barbaric crimes against Israelis on Oct. 7, adding as much graphic detail as possible, and then later managed to say he regretted the loss of all civilian life, whether in Israel or Palestine. The focus of his hypocritical message was on the victims of Hamas, with mention here and there about the need to get humanitarian aid into Gaza, insisting that the U.S. truly mourns the loss of innocent life in Gaza as well.

Aside from trying to motivate the resolution that the U.S. submitted to the Security Council, which he claimed was a big improvement over the earlier Russian and Brazilian resolutions that failed to pass—the U.S. vetoed Brazil’s resolution—Blinken spent the rest of his time threatening Iran.

Claiming that the U.S. wants to ensure that the current conflict doesn’t spread into the wider region, he called on all UN member states to send a “firm united message to any state or non-state actor”—that is, Iran—"that is considering opening another front in this conflict against Israel, or who may target Israel’s partners, including the United States: Don’t. Don’t throw fuel on the fire.”

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