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Establishment Frets Over an Independent RFK, Jr. Presidential Bid

The media minions of the “two potty system” are worried that the looming possibility of a Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. independent presidential campaign might overturn their efforts to keep the 2024 presidential election campaign under tight, Establishment control.

American Democratic Establishment outlets, the Washington Post on Sunday and Politico on Monday, hurried to reassure their circles not to worry too much about an RFK, Jr. independent campaign. The Post’s spin is that RFK, Jr. was never more than a “fringe figure” built up by the “right wing” and Trump circles to “embarrass” Biden in the primaries, allowing, however, that as an independent, he would have support, but since it’s greater among Republicans than Democrats, don’t worry: no threat to Biden. Monday, [Politico](HTTPS://WWW.POLITICO.COM/NEWS/2023/10/02/RFK-JR-SUPER-PAC-PREPS-RUN-INDEPENDENT-00119384) ran through its poll results and spin, to also comfort its readers that RFK, Jr. will draw votes from Trump, and thus help Biden.

Politico, however, citing Tony Lyons, co-founder of the “America’s Values” SuperPAC backing Kennedy’s bid, does allow as how “the most recent polling shows that if Kennedy ran as an independent the general election would become a three-way race.”

Reuters news service (a British intelligence outfit) was less sanguine. “Long-shot U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s likely independent bid for the White House may complicate the 2024 race by taking votes away from Democrat Joe Biden or Republican Donald Trump in critical states,” its analysis warned.

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