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Demo Occupies New York’s Grand Central Station Urging for Ceasefire

Reporting in the media on the Jewish Voice for Peace demonstration on Oct. 27 in New York, for a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, includes all the New York City-based media and is also international. The New York Times this morning covers the Grand Central takeover, calling it “a large demonstration organized by Jewish Voice for Peace” which “filled Grand Central Station.” Reuters’ article, as well as that in the New York Daily News, headlined that the demonstration “shut down New York’s Grand Central demanding a ceasefire”—although most train connections continued to be available.

The entirety of the large concourses and staircases of Grand Central Station were taken over by what was described on YouTube note as “Jewish youth and their supporters,” referring to the Jewish Voice for Peace. Larger than the Washington D.C. Cannon Office Building demonstration, there were clearly 1-2,000 participating in non-violent resistance and chants for ceasefire and “No more war—that’s what we’re calling for”; as well as snatches of song. Large banners for “Ceasefire,” “Never Again for Anyone!"; “Mourn the Dead, and Fight Like Hell for the Living.”

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