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In Congressional Chaos, Daily Kos Sees LaRouche

Daily Kos ran a guest submission by “Citixen” on Oct. 7, titled “A Fanatic Also Rises, and Would Be In Line to the Constitutional Succession of a Global Superpower,” about the mere possibility that “Trump loyalist” Jim Jordan (R-OH) might become Speaker of the House. Immediately the discussion turns to LaRouche.

“Anyone old enough to remember the old Lyndon LaRouche picnic tables outside shopping mall parking lots in the 1980s and 1990s, knows where Jim Jordan comes from … and belongs again.” The difference is, Citixen says, LaRouche could “never win at the ballot box” nor could they ever raise much money.

With Jordan it’s different, the article claims. “And now Jim Jordan stands—thanks to a national strategy to cheat voters out of their rightful representation—as partisan fanaticism personified, next in line to the most powerful office on the planet, after the Vice President.”

The solution? Burn the house down. “For 2024, we all need to create abnormal conditions in districts where a structural gerrymander can be swamped out of being a ‘safe’ district for one party. But only if turnout is higher than expected for the disenfranchised party, or if turnout is suppressed for the favored party. Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us.”