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Leading Israeli Daily Denounces Unleashing of Settlers in West Bank, Opening New Front

The Editorial Board of Haaretz newspaper today continued its denunciations of the Netanyahu government’s criminal anti-Palestinian policy as the driver for the disaster which has hit Israel, this time with a denunciation of the Israeli government for escalating the campaign to expel Palestinians from their West Bank homes. Haaretz is Israel’s third-largest-circulation daily, considered to be among the country’s “newspapers of record.”

In its lead editorial, “Palestinian Expulsion amidst Fog of War,”, Haaretz charges that the few incidents they recount of settlers using force to drive Palestinian families to flee are not isolated incidents, “but a broad campaign, taking place under the auspices of the government of the right-wing and the settlers, and that now, under cover of the war, has gained immense momentum….

“Not only expulsion is flourishing under the roar of guns in the south. The number of fatalities in the West Bank has also soared to an extraordinary degree. According to Palestinian Health Ministry data, 58 Palestinians were killed in the past week. According to the security establishment, about 10 of them were shot to death by settlers,” it adds.

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