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Netanyahu Calls for World To Unite Around Israel, Against 'New Nazis'

“Hamas are the new Nazis,” said Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in a joint press appearance Oct. 17 with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “Hamas is ISIS, in some instances worse than ISIS, and just as the world united to defeat the Nazis, just as the world united to defeat ISIS, the world has to stand united behind Israel to defeat Hamas. This is a part of an Axis of Evil, including Iran and Hezbollah and Hamas. Their open goal is to eradicate the State of Israel. The open goal of Hamas is to kill as many Jews as they could. And the only difference is that they would have killed every last one of us—murdered every last one of us—if they could; they just don’t have the capacity.”

In language reminiscent of Zelenskyy’s demands that the world stand up against Russian aggression in Ukraine before Putin supposedly sets his sights on Europe as a whole, Netanyahu added the following hyperbole: “We must take action to defeat Hamas and ensure that this doesn’t happen again. But this isn’t only our battle, it is our common battle, the battle of civilization against barbarism. And if it’s not stopped here, the savagery will reach you very soon, and reach the entire world.”