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Netanyahu Claims Fight Against Hamas Is a Fight for Civilization, Refuses Ceasefire

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, sounding a little bit like Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is telling the nations of the world that if they don’t back Israel’s fight against Hamas, they will be next. “The horrors that Hamas perpetrated on Oct. 7 remind us that we won’t realize the promise of a better future unless we, the civilized world, are willing to fight the barbarians. The barbarians are willing to fight us, and their goal is clear: Shatter that promising future, destroy all that we cherish, and usher in a world of fear and darkness,” he wrote in an op-ed, headlined, “The Battle of Civilization,” published late yesterday in the Wall Street Journal. “This is a turning point for leaders and nations. It is a time for all of us to decide if we are willing to fight for a future of hope and promise or surrender to tyranny and terror.”

Not surprisingly, Iran is Netanyahu’s target. “Iran has formed an axis of terror by arming, training and financing Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and other terror proxies throughout the Middle East and beyond. In fighting Hamas and the Iranian axis of terror, Israel is fighting the enemies of civilization itself,” he goes on. “Victory over these enemies begins with moral clarity. It begins with knowing the difference between good and evil, between right and wrong. It means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional casualties that are the inevitable result of even the most just war.”

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