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Oct. 13 EIR: ‘Congress on Watch: Stop Funding the War!’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 40 goes to subscribers Thursday, Oct. 12. On the cover is the U.S. Capitol. President George Washington laid the cornerstone of the original building in 1793, which was largely destroyed by fire, courtesy of British troops in 1814. The current beautiful and magnificent structure, designed by Benjamin Latrobe, largely completed in 1826, and expanded in 1850, with the cast-iron dome added in 1868, houses the legislative chambers of the Senate and House of Representatives. We, the people, elect members to those two bodies to perform a Constitutional mandate to deliberate and pass legislation that advances justice, secures domestic tranquility, provides for our common defense, promotes the general welfare of the nation, and secures the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

This week’s feature from Lyndon LaRouche consists of remarks he delivered to LaRouche Youth Movement members in Los Angeles, Nov. 26, 1007. Never before published, we have titled this: “Your Mission Is To Learn To Think Like a Real Human Being.”

Section I, “International,” contains the following 4 elements:

• The transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Webcast from Oct. 4: “Diplomacy or Total War? You Choose! There Is No Third Option.”

• A report-back from 6 of the 15 members of a Schiller Institute delegation from the U.S. and Canada, who visited Beijing and Chengdu, China over Sept. 18–28. We have titled it: “Cultivating a Dialogue of Civilizations: Schiller Institute Youth Delegation Visits China.”

• A report-back by Christine Bierre, Editor-in-Chief of Nouvelle Solidarité, the monthly newspaper of the LaRouche-linked Solidarité & Progrès party in France, on her second visit to Xinjiang, China Aug. 18–22. Titled: “Xinjiang, China: Undergoing Unprecedented Economic Development,” she reports the truth concerning the central government’s positive treatment of the Uyghurs.

• An Economics Briefs column, written by Paul Gallagher.

Section II carries Lyndon LaRouche’s remarks to youth in Los Angeles.

Section III, In Memoriam, informs our readers of the passing of our dear comrade Marsha Freeman, Sept. 20. During her association with the LaRouche movement since the early 1970s, she wrote thousands of articles for Fusion magazine and its successor 21st Century Science & Technology, as well as for EIR, for which she functioned as Technology Editor. She was preeminent in space history and policy, authoring three books on space.

Section IV is a double book review by Mark Bender, which we have titled: “Documenting America’s Turn to the Dark Side.” The two books are:

The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, by David Talbot; and JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, by J.W. Douglass.