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Polls Show Biden’s Democratic Support Dropped Fast in October

A Gallup poll which was carried out nationally over three weeks, Oct. 2-23, underlined a sudden loss in Presidential approval for Joe Biden among Democrats, Independents, and particularly among “Gen Z and Millennials,” as modern-speak calls young people in their early teens to late 30s. In brief: Biden’s approval rating among Democrats dropped from 86% to 75% in that period; among Independents, from 39% to 35%; and among all those surveyed, from 41% to 37%, the lowest of his Presidency. The drop in Democrats’ support for Biden was described by Axios news, for example, as “staggering” in less than a month’s time.

It was actually another poll conducted in the middle of that period (Oct. 12-14), by NPR/Marist College, which found that less than half (48%) of Americans 15-39 years of age think the United States should be supporting Israel in going to war.

Biden’s increasing losses in support may be involved in the entry into the Democratic primaries of Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota.