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Netanyahu Thanks AIPAC for Defending Israel Even When It's Hard To Stomach

Today Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed three leaders of AIPAC—CEO Howard Kohr, President Michael Tuchin and AIPAC Israel Director Cameron Brown—thanking them for their “deep and consistent support of the State of Israel,” according to the brief readout from the Israeli government. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) says that the three are on a “support” visit to Israel.

It was on Oct. 12 that AIPAC leaders were briefed in Washington, D.C. by the international spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus that Israeli attacks will produce “scenes out of Gaza” that “will be hard to stomach”—as reported by the Times of Israel. He urged AIPAC and its followers to stick with Israel. Within hours, the IDF ordered Gaza civilians to evacuate immediately and en masse from northern Gaza.

Israel’s Haaretz daily has pointed out that AIPAC has turned into an anti-Israel, pro-Netanyahu operation. They cite AIPAC’s stated goal as “to strengthen the Israeli-American relationship,” and point out: “The problem is that over the years, the organization has begun to work against its own stated goal by becoming the long arm of Benjamin Netanyahu in American politics.”

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