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BBC, CNN Point Out Inconsistencies in IDF Footage of Al-Shifa Hospital

Indications that the Israelis planted or tampered with the “evidence” of Hamas military activities at the Al-Shifa Hospital is surfacing in the most unlikely of places. A BBC report compares IDF video of the MRI room where the Israelis claim to have found Kalashnikov rifles and other gear and that filmed by BBC, which along with Fox News, was allowed to bring a camera crew into the hospital after IDF stormed it on Nov. 16. The videos of the gear are noticeably different. “Israel is adamant this hospital was a command center, but for now at least it’s either not found supporting evidence or it’s not sharing it,” the BBC reporter says.

CNN similarly reports that its analysis of IDF video shot before international media were allowed into the hospital “suggests weaponry at Al-Shifa may have been rearranged.” An IDF video on Nov. 15 shows IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus touring the facility, during which an AK-47 gun is seen behind an MRI machine. Fox News and the BBC were subsequently granted access to the hospital. In their reports filmed after the IDF clip, two AK-47 guns are visible in the same location. It is unclear where the second assault rifle came from.

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