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Biden Sends CIA’s Burns To Arrange Supposed ‘Big Hostage Deal’ with Mossad Head

The Nov. 28 Washington Post presented a purported big news scoop coming from well-placed insider sources in Washington, that President Biden had sent CIA Director William Burns to Qatar on a secret mission to meet with the head of Israel’s Mossad, David Barnea, to arrange for “a big hostage deal” in the Israel-Palestine crisis. What it appears to boil down to is an effort to negotiate a ten-day extension on the original four-day “pause” in fighting, in order to gain the freedom of the American hostages being held by Hamas. No lasting ceasefire; no expanded humanitarian aid; no attempt to stop the Israelis from resuming their butchery of Palestinians once the “pause” is over.

The Post article says that Burns is playing “a central role navigating the crisis for President Biden,” and is working on an “expansive deal between Israel and Hamas…. Burns is pushing for the immediate release of American hostages held by Hamas. U.S. officials put the number of those hostages at eight or nine.”

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