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Blinken Doubles Down on Rejecting Gaza Ceasefire

After the G7 foreign ministers’ summit ended in Tokyo today, Secretary of State Tony Blinken gave a press conference to emphasize some specific points, particularly insisting there can be no ceasefire in Gaza, as the G7 final statement asserted. He stated at the beginning that the G7 has “strengthened its role as the steering committee of the world’s advanced democracies,” and has demonstrated “unprecedented unity of purpose and unity of action on the issues that are defining the 21st century.” It’s becoming clear however, that the “unity of purpose” is increasingly fractured, as some EU nations are less keen on continuing to arm and finance Ukraine and growing uncomfortable with Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.

So, Blinken had to explain to reporters why a ceasefire for Gaza is impossible. “As I discussed with my G7 colleagues, those calling for an immediate ceasefire have an obligation to explain how to address the unacceptable result it would likely bring about: Hamas left in place, with more than 200 hostages, with the capacity and stated intent to repeat Oct. 7th—again and again and again.” Here Blinken went much further than his previous statements. He has consistently said Washington does not support a ceasefire, arguing that this would allow Hamas to regroup and again attack Israel; but he had not explicitly called out those who support one.

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