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Dec. 1 EIR: ‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 47 goes to subscribers Thursday, Nov 30. On the cover is a photo of a joint press conference conducted by Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of Egypt, with the Prime Ministers of Spain and Belgium, Pedro Sánchez and Alexander De Croo, on Nov. 24, 2023. They called for the recognition by the UN of an independent State of Palestine.

Dennis Speed opens the issue with the Editorial, “Stand with Humanity.”

This week’s featured piece from Lyndon LaRouche was written Aug. 10, 1986 as an EIR document for private circulation, and is being published here for the first time. It is titled “Proper Methods for Accounting Practice: Estimates of Cost & Profitability of Major Infrastructure Projects.”

In it, he denounces as “inherently misleading today’s widely-accepted methods of accounting, for projecting profitability of major constructions of basic economic infrastructure,” citing two kinds of devastating, “flawed” assumptions. Can you say what they are? In the course of this memo, LaRouche defines economic science and the function of infrastructure, with a section on properly estimating “profitability,” providing examples in transportation systems and urban development generally. Finally, he provides the two conditions for determining whether infrastructure projects are economically feasible. Do you know what they are?

In Section I, International are four pieces:

• Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s opening remarks to the Nov. 26 Humanity for Peace Emergency Forum. We have titled it “As in the Peace of Westphalia: Only Principles in the Interest of Every Country Can Get Humanity Out of this Crisis”

• “Unique BRICS-Plus Summit Points to Steps Forward from Gaza ‘Pause,’” by Paul Gallagher

• An International Briefs column

• Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Live Dialogue” from Nov. 22, which we have titled “Join with Me To Stop the Bloodshed”

Section III is an interview with the independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York: “Sare Announces National Campaign for Peace,” conducted Nov. 24 by Stewart Battle

In Section III, History and Culture, to mark the importance of the Peace Speech of our 35th President, who was assassinated 60 years ago, Nov. 22, 1963, we have a piece by Harley Schlanger: “Blessed Are the Peacemakers: In Memory of John F. Kennedy.”