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Emergency Forum: No More War Crimes!! Economic Development, Not Depopulation!!

{On November 26, at 11 a.m. EST, International Peace Coalition members Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, and Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, will present an alternative to madness, and will call on the world—on the brink of annihilation—to make a shift towards sanity. Following their presentations and discussion, the film, “8:15 Hiroshima: From Father to Daughter,” directed by J.R. Heffelfinger and written and produced by Dr. Akiko Mikamo, will be shown. It is a first-hand account of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima City by U.S. forces. Dr. Mikamo will be available for discussion at the film’s conclusion.

This Zoom meeting is open to the public. Registration is required in advance in order to attend and is available through this link:}

In a Nov. 5 article titled, “Israel Minister Suspended after Calling Nuking Gaza an Option,” Politico reported that “Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu was suspended indefinitely after he said in an interview that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip was ‘one of the possibilities,’ the government announced on Sunday.”

It would be supremely irresponsible to not take this threat seriously. Already, between 25,000 and 30,000 tons of bombs have been detonated by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza since October 7. This far exceeds the bomb tonnage dropped in the most lethal air raids of the Second World War, including Hamburg (4 raids, 9,000 tons) Dresden (4 raids, 3,900 tons) and Tokyo (1,665 tons). War crimes are afoot.

Türkiye’s Anadolu Agency reported October 12, “The Israeli Air Force (IAF) said … that it has dropped ‘about 6,000 bombs against Hamas targets’ in Gaza since Saturday’s attack, which nearly matches the number of bombs the U.S. used in Afghanistan in one year. The Washington Post, citing Marc Garlasco, a military adviser at the Dutch organization Pax for Peace (PAX), reported that Israel is ‘dropping in less than a week what the U.S. was dropping in Afghanistan in a year, in a much smaller, much more densely populated area, where mistakes are going to be magnified.’” War crimes are afoot.

Has the 1930s era of publicly advocated and justified war crimes returned? Has the decision been made, contrary to ratified UN resolutions, to the 1993 Oslo Accords, to the Geneva Conventions and the Nuremberg code—as well as to the “mutually assured destruction” of thermonuclear weapons—to reintroduce mass murder in warfare as a “legitimate” practice?

“According to the Gazan Ministry of Health, as of Nov. 7, 2023, 10,328 people in the Gaza Strip have been killed, including 4,237 children, 2,719 women, and 631 older people. In addition, 25,956 people have been injured and 2,450 are missing, including 1,350 children, mostly covered by some of the 262,000 damaged housing units. So far, 192 medical staff have been killed,” reported the Nov.17 edition of the British medical journal The Lancet. These deaths—real people with real aspirations, not “collateral damage”—cannot be either necessary, right, or justified.

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