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Genocide in Gaza, Reports Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor

“A health disaster looms in the Gaza Strip,” Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor warned in a statement issued yesterday, “as dead bodies remain scattered in the streets and under the rubble of buildings destroyed by the Israeli aggression, which is in its seventh week now.” The unburied bodies bring the risk of spreading diseases, such as cholera and immune disorders throughout Gaza.

“The humanitarian situation is dramatically deteriorating in the Gaza Strip due to the lack of access to water, electricity, and equipment needed to bury the bodies of the dead. This constitutes a dangerous threat to public health and the environment, Euro-Med Monitor stated, and may serve as breeding grounds not only for infectious and communicable diseases, but also for skin and respiratory problems.

“Euro-Med Monitor estimated that 4,150 people are missing beneath the debris of buildings hit by Israeli air and artillery strikes, with little hope of survival. Hundreds of additional bodies that cannot be recovered remain on the roads, particularly in areas where the Israeli army has conducted ground incursions,” reported the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Nov. 18.

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