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Israelis hostages being transferred to Egypt with members of Hamas and the Red Cross | Photo: / Hamas Military Wing/Handout/

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apparently never made a public statement about it, but Israel did agree on a two-day extension of the truce with Hamas in Gaza. Lists of names of more hostages and prisoners—20 hostages and 60 Palestinian prisoners—to be released have already been exchanged. The Prime Minister’s Office said in a brief statement tonight that the government okayed the list “should additional Israeli hostages be released.” Among the Palestinians on the list is Ahed Tamimi, the “protest icon,” as the Times of Israel calls her, who came to fame at the age of 16 when she was imprisoned for slapping an IDF soldier who had shot her brother in the head with a rubber bullet. Tamimi was arrested again three weeks ago after allegedly posting on social media that Palestinians will “slaughter” settlers and “drink your blood.” Her family denies she made that post, saying that it was fake.

The additional names bring to 350 the number of Palestinian prisoners selected for potential early release as part of the agreement; Israel has already released 150, mainly female and underaged males, as of Nov. 27, while Hamas has released 50 hostages, reports the Times of Israel. Hamas has also released 17 Thais, 1 Filipino, and 1 dual Russian-Israeli national, as the result of a separate track of negotiations, mediated by Qatar.

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