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Israeli ‘Proof’ of Hamas Use of Al-Shifa Hospital Adds Up to Nothing

The IDF put on a dog-and-pony show yesterday, showing what it claimed to be evidence of Hamas weapons found inside Al-Shifa Hospital. “During searches inside one of the hospital’s wards, the troops located a room containing unique technological means, combat equipment, and military equipment used by the Hamas terrorist organization,” the IDF said, reported the Times of Israel. It published images and videos showing several assault rifles, grenades, and other military equipment. It says that in another ward, it found a Hamas operational headquarters and “technological means,” which it claimed indicates Hamas’s use of the facility for terror.

IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, in an evening press conference, claimed that troops found Hamas uniforms “that were thrown on the hospital floor so that the terrorists could escape in civilian guise.”

“These findings unequivocally prove that the hospital was used for terror, in complete violation of international law,” he said.

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