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Israel's Haaretz Warns of ‘Jewish Jihadists’ Ready for Armageddon

IDF soldiers and Israeli settlers.CC/ ISM Palestine

Israel’s Haaretz published today Uri Misgav’s op-ed, “Israel, Beware: In War, Apocalyptic Jewish Ultra-nationalists Are in a State of Ecstasy.” He warns that, besides religious ecstasy over grabbing land and fulfilling Biblical prophecy, there is a “well-established Haredi Zionist stream within the army. The commander of the 36th Armored Division, Brig. Gen. David Bar Khalifa, this week issued a moving, handwritten battle directive to his troops: ‘…What has been will be no more! We shall go out to it in war. We shall pulverize every accursed plot of land from which it came, we shall destroy it and the memory of it … and we shall not return until it is annihilated, and [God] doth render vengeance to his adversaries, and doth make expiation for the land of His people.… The Lord will give strength to His people, and He shall guard thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth and forever. This is our war, today is our turn. Here we are!’”

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