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It Is Through Beauty, That One Proceeds to Freedom: Celebrate Friedrich Schiller’s Birthday; Rescue Humanity’s Soul Through Beauty

The following is an invitation to the international celebrations of Friedrich Schiller’s Nov. 10 birthday, which should be planned for the weekend of Nov. 10-12. Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche will prepare a video message next week to unify these many celebrations.

We invite you to celebrate the powerful idea that “Alle Menschen werden Brüder,” written in 1785 by the great Poet of Freedom, Friedrich Schiller in his poem Ode to Joy, on this occasion of his 264th birthday, this November 10. Humanity urgently requires an antidote to unfolding worldwide horrors. In this moment we need to lift our fellow human beings out of the bestial Kantian choices imposed by oligarchical powers, by providing Schiller’s idea that “it is through beauty, that one proceeds to freedom.”

In this perilous moment of human history in which the very existence of all humanity potentially could be extinguished in an instant as we see the hideous, ghastly scenes in Southwest Asia (the Middle East), our very souls are wrenched in anguish. To witness such barbarity and do nothing robs one of your humanity. In the face of a nightmare, what does the individual do? One must act on behalf of the beautiful and through reason.

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, points to Schiller’s Aesthetical Letters for a path forward. Schiller wrote, “where do you find the venue; where should the change come from? It cannot come from the state, because it is the state itself, which is the cause of evil in its present form; and the state would have to be re-established first, on more noble principles, if the state was supposed to change this.”

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