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Kiev Now Confirms That U.K.'s Boris Johnson Indeed Undermined 2022 Peace Deal

Boris Johnson with President Zelensky in 2022. Credit: President of Ukraine website

A cloud of doom hangs over Kiev as little remains for President Zelenskyy’s regime except to carry out drone attacks and assassinations. Meanwhile the blame game was ratcheted up today, as the head of Zelenskyy’s parliamentary faction in the Verkhovna Rada, David Arakhamia, who was a first-hand witness—he was Zelenskyy’s chief negotiator at the March-April 2022 peace talks in Istanbul—named Britain’s then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson as the culprit that blew up the 2022 peace deal.

He explained, in an interview with Nataliya Moseichuk today on Ukrainian 1+1 TV: “Russia’s goal was to put pressure on us so that we would take neutrality. This was the main thing for them. And that we would give an obligation that we would not join NATO. This was the main thing.” However, as covered by Ukrainska Pravda, Kiev wanted third-party “security guarantees” from the West, to make sure that Russia respected Ukraine’s neutrality. “When we returned from Istanbul, Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that we would not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight.”

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